The following activities are normally managed by a recreation director, whenever the Town acquires funding for this position. Otherwise   the Town Manager, Connie Reid will arrange private events at the Reidville Community Hall and make arrangements for many of the activities. Any individuals or groups wishing to arrange an event should contact Connie or Lisa for appropriate information. Call: 709 635-5232.  

Canada Day

Every year on July 1 the Town of Reidville councillors and staff plan and organize Canada Day celebrations. Often a Program Facilitator, Volunteer firemen and Student Employees and other family members picth-in to help out. Several slidshows of precious celebrations may be viewed at the right. Select a year and click on the link. Be sure to visit upcoming events.

Children's Activities

Throughout each year children's activities are planned around special occasions; Halloween, Valentine's Day, Canada Day, Christmas, and others. During each summer a three (3) week program is run from Mondays to Fridays between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. Some slideshows of these activities will be available here.

Knitting Group

They have participated in events that Western Health put of for the community. They donated items and funds to put together Easter Baskets which were distributed to single and shut-in seniors in our community. They helped and participated in Holiday Bazaar sales. They participated in bowling events. They trade knitting patterns and help each other with knitting ideas. They have become a close KNIT group, but still welcomes any one in our community that would like to join. The ladies meet at the Community Hall every Monday from 1:30-4:00 pm. It is always open to newcomers. Why not come and check us out. 

Come Home Year 2009

In 2009 Reidville held its one and only Come Home Year. This is a link to the original website that was created to organize the event.


Occasionally a night snowshoeing event is planned for the community ball field in Reidville or on the Walking Trail. Hot chocolate is served after at the community center! If any individual or Group would like to arrange such an event at any time we'll help get the word out. Contact Connie or Lisa at the Town Office. 709 635-5232

Holiday Bizzar

A Holiday Bazaar is held during November month at Reidville Community Center. Crafts, Baked Goods, Knitted Goods, Epicure, Beach Glass, Specialty Teas, Partylite, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Driftwood, Jewelry, Jamberry Nails, and others. Check our Facebook Page in the Fall or contact the Town Office for updates.

Elite Kinetics

When funding is available a qualified instructor conducts the program. It aims to provide clients with tools to improve their quality of life in the areas of: Fitness and Active Living; Healthy Eating based upon Balanced Nutrition; Rest, Relaxation and Stress Reduction. Check our Facebook Page or contact the Town Office for updates.


Qualified instructors offer Yoga at the Community Hall weekly. Check our Facebook Page or contact the Town Office for updates. 


Qualified instructors offer Zumba at the Community Hall several times a week. Check our Facebook Page or contact the Town Office for updates. 

Fitness Centre

The Fitness Centre is located in the basement of the Community Hall. It is open weekdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Individuals must sign a waiver of liability before using the equipment.  Contact Connie or Lisa at the Town Office for specific regulations.

This page was last edited on Nov. 5, 2024.