To view the development of the Reidville Walking Trail you may pan through the Slideshows immediately below OR you may read about the development and view the Slideshow immediately to the right that contains pictures of the work completed in that phase. Currently spanning 2007-2024. Enjoy.
Initial Startup - 2007:
Slideshow: Click the picture at the right to see pictures of the initial startup for the Reidville Walking Trails. During this first year Karen Moss of Reidville and Brian Laing of Deer Lake rough cut and burned the brush for the first section of the trail from the main road to Trout Brook and along the Humber River to the Tramway location.
Winter 2009 - Volunteer Day:
Slideshow: During the winter of 2009 several volunteers went to Harriman's Brook to disassembly the suspension bridge donated by Dean Pittman and moved the sections to Reidville to be used later to create two bridge. The main bridge across Trout Brook and another across a small tributary emptying into Trout Brook.
Phase 2 & 3 - Fall 2009 and Winter 2010:
Slideshow: Volunteers helped to get the steel supports for the Trout Brook bridge in place. Then Marge Curlew, Spencer Young, Cynthia Budgell, Bonnie Reid and Paula Stagg extended the trail to the Humber River by building boardwalk, two bridges and laying stone. Cynthia photographed the work and do not appear often in the slideshow. Thanks to Cynthia, we have the pictures to create this slideshow.
Parking Lot Development - Winter 2012:
Slideshow: Bonnie Reid, William (Willie) Reid, Jason Reid and Paula Stagg completed a great deal of work on the trails. They widened the entire trail along the River to Trout Brook and from Trout Brook to the Tramway site. They completed the Trout Brook triangle and cleaned up "blow-down" from Trout Brook to the Reidville Road. They also clear-cut the Tramway Parking Lot and rough cut the trail from the parking lot to the Tramway Historic Site location. During bad weather days they carved "Walking Trail" signs in split logs.
Spring 2012 - Volunteer Day:
Slideshow: A Volunteer Work Day was organized for June 9, 2012 to construct a raised stone walk along the Humber River from the Mill Beach to the edge of the forest where the walking trail entered the woods. This section of trail allows walkers / runners full view of the river while staying away from Eric Reid's sod farm and the old horse trail which is often used by ATV's and other motorized vehicles.
Boardwalk Development - Winter 2014 :
Slideshow: During the Fall Bonnie Reid and Michelle Martin constructed a seventy-five foot (23 meter) boardwalk across a very wet section of the trail that connects the Tramway Parking lot section to the Humber River trail very near the Tramway Historic Site. During bad weather days the carved "Walking Trail" signs in the lower level of the community hall.
Tramway Trail Development - Winter 2015 :
Slideshow: During the Fall Jason Reid, Spencer Young and Lorna Curtis worked on the section of trail between the Parking Lot along Reidville Road and the Tramway Historic Site. They layed fines along the entire route and constructed several bridges over ravines where it was required. In addition they erected some signs along they entire trail system.
Spring of 2016 - Volunteer Day :
A group of Volunteers gathered at the Parking Lot off Reidville Main Road to apply finish stone and rake smooth the trail. A couple volunteers went to various locations to erect Walking Trail signs. A great lunch was provided by several of the volunteers and by the Town. It was another very enjoyable and successful day.
Tramway to Jones Trail - Fall 2016 & Winter 2017:
Jason Reid and Karen Moss worked on the trail between Jones Trail intersection near Trout Brook and the Tramway Site and the Parking Lot. Most of their work was in building bridges, boardwalk and installing railing on some of the steps and smaller bridges that were already in place. Clarence Moss volunteered his time to help out during most of this project.
Spring of 2017 - Volunteer Day:
Development of the Historic Tramway Site this required several stages. First, Carl Reid and Guy Reid used Carl's excavator to rough clear the site and prep it for the sign frame to be installed. Around the same time Larry Reid was hired to dig drainage trenches around the upper perimeter. Later Carl and Guy delivered 10 or more loads of fill which Carl spread with his Skid Steer. On Volunteer Day there were crews delivering stone to various sites, spreading and raking stone, erecting the Tramway sign and building display sites for the old artifacts that were found on the site. It was a very successful day.
Tramway to Jones Finishing - Fall 2017 & Winter 2018:
Two crews worked on the trail in this period. Jason Reid and Shane LeReaux started in early Fall 2017 and built several structures, cut a new section and grubbed along the Humber River. Earl Reid and Sherry Elms worked late fall 2017 and early winter 2018. They applied fines (stone) to the trail from Jones' Trail to the Tramway site, built a Train Car, two picnic tables and a garbage/recycle bin. All of these items will be placed at the Tramway site.
Humber River Ice Jam - Winter 2018:
During the weekend of Jan 12-14, 2018 there was an unusual rain storm that dumped up to 100 mm of rain in the hills. The Humber River rose quickly and the ice started flowing. At one point the moving ice jammed between Reidville and Deer Lake forcing the river to rise to unforeseen levels. It flooded parts of the old road along the river in Reidville and the high water backed up enough to flood much of the walking trail. It'll be spring before the real damage may be assessed.
Assessment and Repairs - Spring & Fall 2018:
During the Spring of 2018 we were able to get pictures of the true damages and submit to Emergency Services. They agreed to finance the replacement cost of materials and the town had to find funding to cover labor. A CEEP/JCP program was secured and Jason Reid, Andrew Elms, Jordan Pittman and Jordan Curlew were hired to carry out repairs. The slideshow to the right illustrates the damages and repairs.
Repair completion & Trail enhancements - Fall 2018 / Winter 2019:
To complete the repairs, remove "blowdown" after a sever windstorm and to add "fines" to the section of trail from Eric's field to the Trout Brook bridge another three workers were hired in the Fall of 2018. Earl Reid, Clarence Moss, and Francis (Bibbs) Curtis joined Andrew Elms and Jordan Curlew to carry out this work. The slideshow to the right contains some of this work.
EnviroFest 2019 - Spring 2019:
We were successful in our application to NL Power for community enhancements as part of their Environmental Stewardship program. NL Power granted us $5000.00 and 18 employees for a partial day to complete Phase 1 of our Reidville Municipal Day Park development. We had 34 Local Volunteers contribute to this project as well. The PowerPoint presentation to the right displays the Before and After images of the project development.
Summer/ Fall 2019:
Development of the Reidville Municipal Park resumed in September. Carl Reid excavated the planned pathways as Clarence Moss, Cliff Reid, Dave Reid, Bibs Curtis and Wallace Budgell cleared the right of way. Unfortunately, I never got any pictures of the boys clearing the brush. During the Fall Clarence, Earl Reid, Bibs Curtis and Jordan Pittman were hired to continue the work. They laid stone over the excavated pathway, built Nancy's seat at the top of the Parking Lot hill and built the Lookout at Woodpecker Point. The slideshow highlights the work completed.
Fall 2020:
Recap Municipal Park Mulch, Clean up 2 Flower Beds, Plant Rose Bushes, Extend trail with stone. Recap Trail surface with stone from Eric's Field to Trout Brook Bridge AND from mouth of Trout Brook to Tramway site AND trail from Parking Lot to the River.
Volunteers: The Committee were engaged with the planning and advising the work to be completed.
Hired Workers: Covid-19 Restart Program. Clarence Moss, Karen Moss, Francis(Bibbs) Curtis, Lorna Curtis, Gerald Rumbolt, Hilda Rumbolt, Minnie Reid, Sherry Elms, Roger Barrett, Jackie Barrett, Nick Pinksen, and Andrew Elms
Spring 2021:
Summer 2021:
Fall 2021:
Spring 2022:
2022-2023: Fall/Winter CEEP Project. Trail maintenance.
Planned work for the Boardwalk was not possible because of Snow conditions. The workers cleaned up the young tree growth facing the Reidville Road at the Parking Lot to provide better visibility. They repaired railing on several bridges along the Trout Brook section of the trail, trimmed overhanging growth along the trail and and other task assigned by the Town. Unfortunately, there were no pictures available to put together a slide presentation.
Volunteers: The Committee advising and planning
Workers: Earl Reid (Lead), Jordan Pittman

2023: Fall Volunteer days & CEEP Project.
On May 21, 2023, Guy, Clarence, Dave and Carl raised the Trout Brook Bridge. On October 9, 2023, eleven (11) volunteers turned up to construct cribbing and install the boardwalk sections constructed in Fall/Winter 2021/2022. On Oct 16, 2023 Earl Reid, and volunteers assisted with construction of the Railing for the Boardwalk.
Volunteers: The Committee advising and planning; Guy Reid (Project Lead), Clarence Moss )Committee Lead), David Reid (Mayor) Cliff Reid & Carl Reid (Committee members), Other volunteers: Terry Brake, Gerry Rumbolt, Wayne Fowler (fr. Deer Lake), Shawn Normore, Reg Normore, Alex Normore, & Scott Normore.
Workers: Earl Reid
2024: Volunteer Committee members and Town Staff:
There were no new developments completed on the trail this year. The Committee Chair, Clarence Moss and volunteer members, Terry Brake, Cliff Reid and Guy Reid completed minor repairs as they arose. The students that were hired for the summer work program maintained the trail under the supervision of the town's part-time employee, Dylmer Decker.