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The 50+ Club

The community of Reidville now has a 50+ club. Any member of Reidville and surrounding communities who wish to join this club, may call the town office (635-5232) to register.

Registration fees are $5.00 per year.

We now have fifty-seven (57) members registered, but more are welcome to join. The more, the merrier. The more people we have, the more ideas we can come up with and the more functions/events we can put off. 

Below you will see the list of Events organized and/or managed by the 50+ Club.

President: Connie Reid

Vice President: Lisa Pearce

Treasure: Vacant

Secretary: Vacant


Aquafit is held in the Hodder Memorial Complex Pool every Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 9:30 free to Reidville 50+ Club members. Contact the Reidville Town Office to register for this program.


Bowling runs in two sessions each year, Fall and Winter. This winter's session began Feb. 6, 2018 and will continue weekly, on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. This program is free to all Reidville 50+ Club members. 

Dance Exercise

Dance exercise is scheduled to run Monday nights from 8:10 to 9:00pm. This program is free to all Reidville 50+ Club members. For a great night of gentle, fun exercise come on out and give it a try.

Healthy Eating

Hilda Rumbolt and Nancy Moores-Reid will be coordinating this program during Spring of 2018. Check the Facebook page periodically for updates. More information will be made available soon.

Wellness: Healthy Living

Irene Laing Reid planned and implemented this program in the Fall of 2017. The eight week program consisted of three components daily. Each session began with a gentle exercise followed by a presentation regarding healthy living and ended with a quiet meditation.

Theatre Troupe

The Club is in the process of forming a Theatre Troupe and will offer two dinner/theatre performances in the coming year. We will be looking for a great deal of help to make this work. All Reidville 50+ Members are encouraged to participate in some way to make this a successful undertaking.

Special Occasions

Often the Club will arrange "One-off" events each year. We've held St. Paddy's Day celebrations, nighttime snowshoe walks, and two Paint Night events.  If you have any idea for a special event you would like to help organize then pass it along to the Executive. 

This page was last edited on Nov. 5, 2024.